Source code for BigDFT.wahba

This module provides helper subroutines for performing rototranslations.

In particular, this module can solve Wahba's problem, which seeks to compute
the optimal rotation matrix between two sets of points.

[docs]def apply_R(R, A): """ Apply the rotation on the set of vectors A. Args: R (numpy.matrix): a rotation matrix. A (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors to rotate. Returns: (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors, rotated by the matrix. """ A2 = R*A.T A2 = A2.T return A2
[docs]def apply_t(t, A): """ Apply a translation on the set of vectors A. Args: t (numpy.matrix): a translation matrix. A (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors to translate. Returns: (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors, translated by the matrix. """ from numpy import tile n = A.shape[0] return A + tile(t, (1, n)).T
[docs]def apply_Rt(R, t, A): """ Rotate the element and apply the translation on the rotated vector. Args: R (numpy.matrix): a rotation matrix. t (numpy.matrix): a translation matrix. A (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors to translate. Returns: (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors, rototranslated. """ RA = apply_R(R, A) return apply_t(t, RA)
[docs]def rigid_transform_3D(A, B, verbose=False): """ Find the transformation R and t such that R*A + t ~= B, with an error quantified by J. Args: A (numpy.matrix): an NX3 matrix of points. B (numpy.matrix): a second NX3 matrix of points. verbose (bool): whether to be verbose during the calculation. Returns: (numpy.matrix): 3x3 rotation matrix/ (numpy.matrix): 3X1 column vector representing the translation. (float): a quantification of the error. """ from futile.Utils import write as safe_print from numpy import transpose, mean, tile, multiply, sqrt, sum from numpy.linalg import svd, det assert len(A) == len(B) N = A.shape[0] # total points centroid_A = mean(A, axis=0) centroid_B = mean(B, axis=0) # print 'centre',centroid_A,centroid_B # centre the points AA = A - tile(centroid_A, (N, 1)) BB = B - tile(centroid_B, (N, 1)) # dot is matrix multiplication for array H = transpose(AA) * BB # print 'H',H U, S, Vt = svd(H) R = Vt.T * U.T # special reflection case if det(R) < 0: if verbose: safe_print("#Reflection detected") Vt[2, :] *= -1 R = Vt.T * U.T t = -R*centroid_A.T + centroid_B.T # print t # identify also the accuracy of wahba A2 = R*A.T + tile(t, (1, N)) A2 = A2.T # Find the error err = A2 - B err = multiply(err, err) err = sum(err) rmse = sqrt(err/N) return R, t, rmse
[docs]def interpolate_points(A, B, steps, extrapolation_steps=0): """ Given a set of points A and B, this generates a list of point sets that interpolate between A and B in a specified number of steps. Args: A (numpy.matrix): an NX3 matrix of points. B (numpy.matrix): a second NX3 matrix of points. steps (int): the number of steps to take between A and B. extrapolation_steps (int): optionally, we can extrapolate a number of steps beyond B on the same trajectory. Returns: (list): a list of points interpolating between A and B including A and B. """ from scipy.linalg import funm from numpy import mean from copy import deepcopy R, t, rmse = rigid_transform_3D(A, B) if steps < 0: raise ValueError("Steps must be greater than or equal to zero.") # Scale the rotation R = funm(R, lambda x: x**(1.0/(steps+1))) # Apply each rotation. point_list = [deepcopy(A)] for i in range(1, steps+extrapolation_steps+2): new_point = deepcopy(point_list[-1]) centroid = mean(new_point, axis=0) centroid = centroid.T new_point = apply_t(-1.0*centroid, new_point) new_point = apply_R(R, new_point) new_point = apply_t(centroid, new_point) point_list.append(new_point) # Compute a new translation matrix between the last two points. R, t, rmse = rigid_transform_3D(point_list[steps+1], B) t = 1.0/(steps+1) * t # Apply each translation. for i in range(1, steps+extrapolation_steps+2): point_list[i] = apply_t(i*t, point_list[i]) # In order to remove any noise from the extrapolation, we copy # the points B at the end of the interpolation. point_list[steps+1] = deepcopy(B) return point_list
# Test with random data if __name__ == '__main__': from futile.Utils import write as safe_print from numpy import random, mat, tile, multiply, sqrt from numpy.linalg import svd, det # Random rotation and translation R = mat(random.rand(3, 3)) t = mat(random.rand(3, 1)) # make R a proper rotation matrix, force orthonormal U, S, Vt = svd(R) R = U*Vt # remove reflection if det(R) < 0: Vt[2, :] *= -1 R = U*Vt # number of points n = 6 A = mat(random.rand(n, 3)) B = R*A.T + tile(t, (1, n)) B = B.T # recover the transformation ret_R, ret_t, ret_rmse = rigid_transform_3D(A, B) A2 = (ret_R*A.T) + tile(ret_t, (1, n)) A2 = A2.T # Find the error err = A2 - B err = multiply(err, err) err = sum(err) rmse = sqrt(err/n) safe_print("Points A") safe_print(A) safe_print("") safe_print("Points B") safe_print(B) safe_print("") safe_print("Rotation") safe_print(R) safe_print("") safe_print("Translation") safe_print(t) safe_print("") safe_print("RMSE:", rmse) safe_print("If RMSE is near zero, the function is correct!")