This module provides helper subroutines for performing rototranslations.
In particular, this module can solve Wahba's problem, which seeks to compute
the optimal rotation matrix between two sets of points.
[docs]def apply_R(R, A):
Apply the rotation on the set of vectors A.
R (numpy.matrix): a rotation matrix.
A (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors to rotate.
(numpy.matrix): the set of vectors, rotated by the matrix.
A2 = R*A.T
A2 = A2.T
return A2
[docs]def apply_t(t, A):
Apply a translation on the set of vectors A.
t (numpy.matrix): a translation matrix.
A (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors to translate.
(numpy.matrix): the set of vectors, translated by the matrix.
from numpy import tile
n = A.shape[0]
return A + tile(t, (1, n)).T
[docs]def apply_Rt(R, t, A):
Rotate the element and apply the translation on the rotated vector.
R (numpy.matrix): a rotation matrix.
t (numpy.matrix): a translation matrix.
A (numpy.matrix): the set of vectors to translate.
(numpy.matrix): the set of vectors, rototranslated.
RA = apply_R(R, A)
return apply_t(t, RA)
[docs]def interpolate_points(A, B, steps, extrapolation_steps=0):
Given a set of points A and B, this generates a list of point sets
that interpolate between A and B in a specified number of steps.
A (numpy.matrix): an NX3 matrix of points.
B (numpy.matrix): a second NX3 matrix of points.
steps (int): the number of steps to take between A and B.
extrapolation_steps (int): optionally, we can extrapolate a number of
steps beyond B on the same trajectory.
(list): a list of points interpolating between A and B including
A and B.
from scipy.linalg import funm
from numpy import mean
from copy import deepcopy
R, t, rmse = rigid_transform_3D(A, B)
if steps < 0:
raise ValueError("Steps must be greater than or equal to zero.")
# Scale the rotation
R = funm(R, lambda x: x**(1.0/(steps+1)))
# Apply each rotation.
point_list = [deepcopy(A)]
for i in range(1, steps+extrapolation_steps+2):
new_point = deepcopy(point_list[-1])
centroid = mean(new_point, axis=0)
centroid = centroid.T
new_point = apply_t(-1.0*centroid, new_point)
new_point = apply_R(R, new_point)
new_point = apply_t(centroid, new_point)
# Compute a new translation matrix between the last two points.
R, t, rmse = rigid_transform_3D(point_list[steps+1], B)
t = 1.0/(steps+1) * t
# Apply each translation.
for i in range(1, steps+extrapolation_steps+2):
point_list[i] = apply_t(i*t, point_list[i])
# In order to remove any noise from the extrapolation, we copy
# the points B at the end of the interpolation.
point_list[steps+1] = deepcopy(B)
return point_list
# Test with random data
if __name__ == '__main__':
from futile.Utils import write as safe_print
from numpy import random, mat, tile, multiply, sqrt
from numpy.linalg import svd, det
# Random rotation and translation
R = mat(random.rand(3, 3))
t = mat(random.rand(3, 1))
# make R a proper rotation matrix, force orthonormal
U, S, Vt = svd(R)
R = U*Vt
# remove reflection
if det(R) < 0:
Vt[2, :] *= -1
R = U*Vt
# number of points
n = 6
A = mat(random.rand(n, 3))
B = R*A.T + tile(t, (1, n))
B = B.T
# recover the transformation
ret_R, ret_t, ret_rmse = rigid_transform_3D(A, B)
A2 = (ret_R*A.T) + tile(ret_t, (1, n))
A2 = A2.T
# Find the error
err = A2 - B
err = multiply(err, err)
err = sum(err)
rmse = sqrt(err/n)
safe_print("Points A")
safe_print("Points B")
safe_print("RMSE:", rmse)
safe_print("If RMSE is near zero, the function is correct!")